Monday, May 14, 2007


The other day I met a physicist - seemed like a really nice chap, actually i'm sure that he is.. its just that most times when I should keep my mouth shut I cant.. If i see even teeny weeny room for a punchline, I deliver.. I'm sure most people reading this blog would have figured that out. The problem (I usually realise this when I have recovered from the sheer joy of having effected the punchline and back to standing poise from being doubled over in peals of laughter) is that I have no sense of what to say when. I kill the context as long as I'm having a ball.

I only mean it in good spirit.

Generally its their anaemic smile that gives away their true, yellow disposition.

Ok, I'm coming to the point.
As soon I came to know this guy was a physicist, I'm telling him how he must be 'the half-life of the party!'

I agree, radioactive chemistry or physics was of no great consequence to us in school... except that we always noticed the potential of something radioactive to be able to rot l
ife away or have serious capability to blow things up. The stuff that u look up to. Something with great purpose.

Just like the time we used to wonder if we can get enough AgCl to precipitate, maybe 4-5 test tubes, we could culture just about enough silver to buy some movie tickets at esplanade.

But he's a physicist. Should at least get the drift.

What has the world come to? cant even crack a joke without having a looming, obtuse cloud of silence showing up.

some people never learn!



Leelayz said...

u should have got him drunk and make him dance to hindi songs....apt way to refute the allegation

Unknown said...

you're an electron almost on the verge of reaching escape-velocity!
cheers buddy!
this guy needs to be positively charged. if he couldn't take the half-life joke, well... he's just a useless peace of carbon as far as I'm concerned.
btw... keep 'em comin', pardner...