Monday, July 16, 2007


Jazz - Anticipation,

The wise double bass - elderly yet playful
he knew you would be there that night...
like the father of a grown man
you're still his child, you know.

The cymbals and the brush..
they're not your game
making love - still flirting with your wine glass.
They conspire.

The piano - an out of place ballet dancer..
speaks some other language..
she doesnt know their dialect..
but she was always a star
she's here to perform.. she has another show elsewhere..right after this

The sax..
The norweighan scream of silence..
the scream of the butterfly?
or a thick glob of violet, pouring out into your glass
is that what you drink?

why do you come to meet these well known strangers.. why do you want to know how they know you?

does it matter?
she's sitting right before you...
is that why they had come too?

I was hoping...?let it be ?
does it seem like i'm looking for an answer to a question i cant ask?


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